Hochschule Augsburg
NTP Service - Realization
tickadj Calculation
# drift of 104.8576 -> +1 tick.
# 970306 HMS Deal with nanoseconds.  Fix sign of adjustments.
# 980503 BE  Call tickadj for base value.

chomp $base;
$base =~ s/\D*//;  # might be Linux-specific (BE)
$cvt = 2 ** 20 / $base;

if (open(DF, $df))
    if ($_=)
        ($v1, $v2) = split;

    while ($v1 < 0)
        $v1 += $cvt;

    while ($v1 > $cvt)
        $v1 -= $cvt;

printf("%.3f (drift); ", $v1);
printf("%d usec; ", $base);
printf("%d nsec\n", ($base + ($v1/$cvt)) * 1000);
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