Hochschule Augsburg
NTP Service Web Site
Site Map
Despite it's small size, this web site has a site map. It's for those people who can't see the menu frame or don't like it. So the map is more or less a copy of the menu in textual form, though additionally showing several sub-sub (level 2) pages.
The pages are organized in three levels: the main page at level 0, seven subpages at level 1, and several sub-sub pages at level 2. Four helper pages (like this one) are shown here at level 0.
NTP service
Main page of this Web site: overview of our NTP service including addresses, access regulation, disclaimer, and a short menu.
NTP subnet
The structure of our virtual NTP subnet as graphical link map. Statistics and actual state of servers are accessible from the map. Some details of the subnet structure, servers and local area network.
Radio Clock State of 'tick'
Radio Clock State of 'tock'
Displays a status report of a radio clock by calling the ´ntpq -c ps´ command.
Peer State of 'tick'
Peer State of 'tock'
Peer State of 'tack'
Peer State of 'pps'
Peer State of 'compactus'
Peer State of 'tuck'
Peer State of 'bilbo'
Peer State of 'kim'
Peer State of 'imperium'
Peer State of 'spider'
Displays a peer status report of a host by calling the ´ntpq -c pe´ command.
Statistics for 'tick'
Statistics for 'tock'
Statistics for 'tack'
Statistics for 'pps'
Statistics for 'compactus'
Statistics for 'tuck'
Statistics for 'bilbo'
Statistics for 'kim'
Statistics for 'imperium'
Statistics for 'spider'
Statistical diagrams for each of our NTP hosts, showing daily values of time and frequency offset, peer distance and dispersion as mean, standard deviation, maximum, and minimum for the last three weeks. There are diagrams for the local clock loop, radio clocks, and the reference servers our servers refer to (peers).
How to use our NTP service to synchronize your computers, mainly for Unix and MS Windows. Some hints and links. Access regulations.
Client Configuration File
Annotated NTP daemon configuration file for a typical NTP client.
Client Start/Stop Script 1
Annotated start/stop Unix Bourne shell script for NTP daemon on a client.
Client Start/Stop Script 2
Annotated start/stop Unix Korn shell script for NTP daemon on a client.
TimeSync Configuration
Annotated TimeSync configuration file for a typical NTP client under Windows NT.
The motivation of the operator to offer this service.
A description how we realized our NTP service, at first as a single server installation, now as a multiple server virtual subnet. To be used as a source of information and as a template for your own installation.
Configuration File
Annotated NTP daemon configuration file for a standalone NTP server.
tickadj Calculation
Perl script to calculate the proper value of the tickadj OS variable.
Start/Stop Script
Annotated start/stop Unix shell script for NTP server daemon.
DCF77 Receivers
Pictures of our DCF77 radio clock receivers. Links to vendors.
NTP Hosts
Pictures and descriptions of our computers acting as NTP servers.
DCF77 Time Broadcast
Short introduction to the DCF77 time radio broadcast including some links.
DCF77 Time Code
The definition of the 59-bit DCF77 time code for parser programmers.
Network Time Protocol
Short introduction to the Network Time Protocol including some links.
The 'Time'
Links to information about time definition and measurement, clock synchronization, etc. A book about calendrical calculations. Links to software sources.
Viewing Hints
Browser, tables, frames, navigation, links, styles, fonts, pictures, and sounds.
Legal Information
Copyright notice, disclaimer, and a warning.
Keyword Search
Keyword search in the static pages of this Web site.
Site Map
This page: Annotated textual map of this Web site.
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