Hochschule Augsburg
NTP Service - DCF77
DCF77 Time Code
The carrier wave frequency of the german time code transmitter DCF77 is 77.5 kHz in the low frequency (LF) band. It is modulated by frequency (FM) and amplitude (AM). The latter is the simplest way to decode the time signal.
Every second, the amplitude is dropped by 25% for 100 ms or 200 ms. The dropping happens exactly on the second and is used as time mark. The last mark in every minute is left off to indicate the end of minute.
The pulse duration represents a bit value, 0 for the shorter and 1 for the longer pulse. The 59 pulses of one minute form the 59-bit DCF77 time code containing all necessary time and date information.
Second Name  Contents
00-10        AM: free, FM: 0
11-14        free
15     R     alternate antenna
16     A1    expect DST change
17     Z1    daylight saving time
18     Z2    standard time
19     A2    expect leap insertion/deletion
20     S     start of time code (always 1)
21-24  M1    minute ones [1,2,4,8]
25-27  M10   minute tens [10,20,40]
28     P1    minute parity (21-27)
29-32  H1    hour ones [1,2,4,8]
33-34  H10   hour tens [10,20]
35     P2    hour parity (29-34)
36-39  D1    day ones [1,2,4,8]
40-41  D10   day tens [10,20]
42-44  DW    day of week (1: Mon -> 7: Sun) [1,2,4]
45-49  MO    month ones [1,2,4,8]
50     MO0   month tens [10]
51-53  Y1    year ones [1,2,4,8]
54-57  Y10   year tens [10,20,40,80]
58     P3    date parity (36-57)
59           usually missing (minute indication),
             except for leap insertion
- Numbers are BCD (binary coded decimals).
- The least significant bit comes first.
- Parity is even (even number of ones).
- Bits 16 and 19 are set 1 hour before event.
- No leap direction announcement.
- Only two digit year numbers.
© B. Erdlenbruch
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