Hochschule Augsburg
NTP Service
Statistics for 'compactus'
Local loop of 'compactus.informatik.fh-augsburg.de':
The upper diagram shows accuracy and stability of the local clock loop. The local loop frequency (lower diagram) is known to be temperature dependent. This is our last Windows NT server using a time resolution of 10 milliseconds and offering no way to influence the system tick (tickadj). (ppm: pulses per minute)
loop statistics
Time and frequency standard deviations roughly follow the respective offsets:
loop statistics
Peer: tick.fh-augsburg.de
Peer: tock.fh-augsburg.de
Peer: tack.fh-augsburg.de
Peer: pps.informatik.fh-augsburg.de
© B. Erdlenbruch
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