Hochschule Augsburg
NTP Service - Usage
TimeSync Configuration
# I-LABOR workstation configuration file for TimeSync
This TimeSync configuration file is suitable for the PCs in our student's domain I-LABOR. It's used for the machines in the so called PC pool, all of which run Windows NT Workstation. You could adapt this file to your own needs.
The primary domain controllers of this domain (I-LABOR) and another well known domain (INFORMATIK), kipling and compact, are used for synchronization.
Another machine running Windows NT is used. balzambo is a secondary domain controller of domain I-LABOR.
One other machine not running Windows NT is used (could be more).
Syncing starts 30 sec after startup of the service. TimeSync will choose 2 of the time servers listed above for 4 sync periods, and it will sync every 1 hour (i.e. the sync period). It should adjust the clock instead of jamming in the new time.
We let TimeSync write all messages to this file instead of the event log. The maximum length is 20 Kbytes, and old event messages are dropped when the file becomes larger (it's treated as a queue).
This file is stored on this WWW server accessible for any client. All we need to do is install TimeSync on each client by the command
TimeSync /install
and it will work as intended.
© B. Erdlenbruch
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